Monday, August 30, 2010

ER Visits for Synthetic Marijuana on the Rise

Originally reported at on 27 August 2010:

An herb-and-chemical compound sold legally in the U.S. as incense is sending many of those who smoke it to the hospital, Reuters reported July 29.

The compound, known as K2, interacts with brain receptors in a way that is said to be similar to marijuana. Unlike marijuana, not much is known about the chemical makeup of the compound.

Officials said more and more people who smoke the "synthetic marijuana" have reported to emergency rooms and poison-control centers with symptoms ranging from anxiety, hypertension, and vomiting to severe paranoia and hallucinations.
U.S. poison-control centers received 13 calls related to K2 a year ago, while 766 cases have been reported in the first half of 2010, said Anthony Scalzo, medical director for the Missouri Poison Center.

The concern, according to Scalzo, is that the surge "may represent the tip of an iceberg."

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

90 seconds that can save your life...

Watch this with your teen-agers. In fact, watch it with anyone you know who drives or rides in cars.

From our friends at the Sewickley Public Library!

Teen Move Up Days – Saturday, Sept. 11 from 1-2:30pm or Thursday, Sept. 16 from 6-7:30pm

For: Teens entering grades 6 and 7. YOU are invited to an exclusive Teen Room event.

What/Why: We want you to feel comfortable and welcome as you transition from the Children’s Dept to the Teen Room! Meet me (Kelly, the Teen Librarian) in the Teen Room for an activity; raffle prizes; and a tour of the Teen Room. During the tour I’ll answer any questions you may have about the Teen Dept. Then we’ll eat pizza together! (At 2pm or 7pm, depending on which session you come to, parents may join us and ask any questions they have about the Teen Dept.)

Registration is required for this program. Sign up for the Saturday, September 11, sessionor the Thursday, September 16, session.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Off and Running!

It's hard to believe summer is winding down, but there was no getting around the fact at this week's Youth Connect meeting. Programs are gearing up (or already up and running!), school is about to start, and the Pirates are 40 and 81... Yes, summer is winding down.

Here are just a few of the exciting events Youth Connect is involved with in the coming months--

  • 26 August @ the Edgeworth Club: the Moms For Kids group will screen the video HAZE as part of a continuing community discussion about the hazards of underage drinking

  • 11 September @ Harvest Festival: local high school students will offer up fun activities while distributing info about Youth Connect

Other topics and events include: the 2nd annual "Feed the Love" community family dinner; the new face of bullying; prescription drug abuse; Texting & Driving: a lethal combination; and a round-up of the year's forums on underage drinking in April, for Alcohol Awareness Month.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Expert in Youth and Technology Returns to Speak

From our friends at the QV district office:

Quaker Valley School District welcomes back Cole W. Camplese to present the latest information on youth and technology to parents the community. Camplese will present “Disruptive Technologies” on Tuesday, August 17 at 7:00 PM in the high school auditorium. The public is encouraged to attend.

Cole W. Camplese is the Director of Education and Technology Services at The Pennsylvania State University. As Director, it is his responsibility to oversee university-wide initiatives with a focus on impacting teaching and learning with technology. His primary area of focus is the integration of technologies into learning spaces. Mr. Camplese teaches courses in the College of Education with a focus on the integration and implementation of disruptive technologies into teaching and learning. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, selected for his innovative uses of technology in and out of the classroom. As an established consultant, Mr. Camplese helps organizations integrate technologies into their business practices, education and training programs, and their internal and external communication processes. He is a published author and has presented both theoretical and practical concepts at regional and national conferences.