Sewickley Academy student Jack Matten and Moon student John Bal are teaming up to collect items that will make up care packages that will be sent to local military personnel who are currently deployed in Afghanistan. The 303rd Army Reserve Unit that is based at McGarity Reserve Center will be picking up donations at St. James Parish in Sewickley, The Moon Township Library on Beaver Grade Road, and The Moon Township Volunteer Firemen Fish Fry at the Public Safety Building.
Basic comforts and toiletries that are suggested for donation include:
Hard Candy
White Athletic Socks
Beef Jerky
Drink Mixes
Breath Mints
Playing Cards
Puzzle Books
Lip Balm
Greeting Cards
Shoe insoles
Chewing Gum
Individual packaged Oreos, crackers, chips (nothing that will melt in hot temperatures)
Cash Donations (to help with the cost of mailing).
The two hope to raise an additional $1,000 to offset the cost of shipping overseas. Contributing a few of these simple items will show our local troops that they are remembered and appreciated!