Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tips on Raising Good Digital Citizens"

Lynn Sanborne, Sewickley Academy (SA) Counselor, and Mark Hansen, Head of Lower School at SA, presented “Technology and Your Child”. In this webinar, they provided a number of good pointers on how to “raise good digital citizens”. The webinar can be found here.

Some resources suggested in the presentation:  

The website 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dr. Sheffield Returns to QV: PARENTING REIMAGINED

Quaker Valley School District will host the second in a series of three parent workshops on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014, at Quaker Valley Middle School. This free program will be held from 6:30 – 8 p.m. and includes dinner and childcare.

A free dinner will be offered from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria and free supervised children’s activities will be held in the gymnasium during the parent program.

The program entitled, “Parenting Re-Imagined: Excellence Begins at Home!,” builds upon last year’s series and will again be facilitated by Dr. Don Sheffield, author and educator. The workshops are designed to assist parents in understanding successful behaviors; to provide strategies for improving academic work; to support parents in developing habits of excellence at home; and to help parents maximize parent-child interaction to ensure proper academic and personal development and growth.

Attendees can RSVP by contacting Stefanie McKissic at 412-749-3616 or with the number of adults and children planning to attend.

The final follow-up program on similar topics is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2014.

Dr. Sheffield earned his bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Geneva College, his master’s in education from Slippery Rock University, and his doctorate in higher education from Penn State University. Dr. Sheffield spent most of his career in higher education – including 26 years at the Pennsylvania State University until his retirement in 2002. He currently serves as an adjunct professor of education for the Penn State Beaver campus.

A major emphasis of Dr. Sheffield’s work is helping parents manage the academic development of their children. He has developed programs that incorporate excellence training at home and delivered numerous workshops for improving parenting skills. His academic experience, family background and athletic training have given him a unique perspective on the essence of excellence and high performance.

A resident of Beaver Falls, Dr. Sheffield is the father of three adult sons and grandfather of two.