Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Transformation 2013

Last Friday, Quaker Valley Middle School hosted an event called Transformation 2013 that centered on the idea of respect and personal responsibility. Students had the chance to listen to various guest speakers, watch a video created by Jamal Woodson (below), and reflect on the lessons that they received.

Mrs. Kiya Tomlin - fashion designer, entrepreneur, speaker, and wife of Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, shared with the girls the importance of self respect through the way that we dress and treat our bodies. 

Mr. Jamal Woodson - business leader, owner of a Pittsburgh recording studio, and basketball coach, spoke to the boys about motivation, goal-setting, and how to acheive high dreams.

Mr. Floyd Faulkner - Quaker Valley Community Youth Worker, trusted friend and role model, shared about the importance of good decision-making as well as the consequences that come from those decisions. 

Mr. Burke Moser, Mr. Dante Piccolo, & Mr. Kendall Luton - Three young men from Quaker Valley High School who shared personal advice and experiences with the middle school students. Each of these young men was chosen due to their reputations in leadership, academic excellence, and sportsmanship at Quaker Valley. 

The event was a success, bringing Quaker Valley's core value of respect to the forefront of the middle school students' minds. You can get a taste of the theme of the event by watching the video clip that was shown, below:

Video created by Jamal Woodson for QVMS's Transformation 2013 event.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Author to Speak on Teen Sexuality

On Tuesday, 9 April 2013 from 10:30am till Noon, Youth Connect will once again present "Before They Know It All: Talking to Tweens and Teens about Sexuality," a thought-provoking discussion on teen culture and the vital role that parents play in helping their tweens and teens make healthy decisions. The event, led by author Alan Carson, is free of charge and appropriate for parents of students in grades 4 - 9

Due to continued parental interest in the topic after his 2011 presentation, Youth Connect has invited Alan to return to the community and offer his insights to interested parents.  Alan’s presentation will be held at the Sewickley YMCA's Community Activity Center. Copies of his book will be available for purchase at the event.  For directions or more information, email Youth Connect at youthconnect@hotmail.com.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fire Safety Open House

Firefighter and QV tenth grade student Nick Volk is conducting a free Fire Safety Open House. There will be fire safety tips for kids, free ice cream from the Sewickley Confectionery, hot dogs, fire truck rides & tours, and an opportunity for kids to spray a fire hose!

The Open House will be held on Sunday, March 17, from Noon - 3pm at the Sewickley Fire Department located on 601 Thorn Street, Sewickley. Email Nick at nicholasvlk@gmail.com with questions.

Bravo - FQVS Education Foundation!

Youth Connect would like to thank Friends of Quaker Valley Schools Education Foundation for the wonderful work and support that they are providing to the district and community! One of their recent contributions has included $50,000 used to purchase the equipment for QV Middle School's Health and Wellness Center. This is changing the face of health and fitness initiatives in the district's students, complimenting physical education classes with state of the art gear.  

The FQVS Education Foundation has provided a myriad of financial support for the Quaker Valley School District, including the Studio Life program, an after-school art club for middle schoolers; the work of community youth worker, Mr. Floyd Faulkner; and other various programs and projects in the district.  

More information about Friends of Quaker Valley Schools Education Foundation can be found at www.qvsd.org, or you can contact the Foundation's President, Dorothy Pollon, at 412.389.2655 or qvsdfriends@aol.com.  You can make a tax-deductible donation by visiting their website today!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Final Parent Workshop with Dr. Sheffield

The final installment of Dr. Sheffield's "Promoting Excellence at Home" series will take place this Thursday, March 7th from 6 - 7:30pm at Osborne Elementary.  There is no cost, and no previous attendance to the other workshops is required.  Dinner and childcare are included.  

The session will be co-facilitated by Dr. Don Sheffield and Ms. Terry Bradford, offering parents with steps and strategies to better implement successful academic behaviors and personal development in the home.  Dr. Sheffield is an expert on this subject, bringing career experience in the education, family, and athletic training fields.  

To obtain more information on the workshop, contact Ms. Bradford at 412.414.1335 or tbradford321@yahoo.com.  Attendees can RSVP by contacting Stefanie McKissic at 412.749.3616 or mckissics@qvsd.org with the number of adults and children planning to attend.